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7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Current show

Ads Decadent Sounds

7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Avril Clark (she/her) / Co-Founder and Presenter

Avril Clark (she/her) shows

Hi and welcome to TRUK. I’m Avril, Lucy’s wife and Co-Founder and have been here since the beginning. I have always loved music for as long as I can remember, my dad was a DJ in the 60’s, driving to gigs on his Triumph motorbike with a speaker strapped to his back, he also plays the accordion and piano, I played the flute, piano, recorder (of course!) and my siblings played different instruments. Music was a big focus in our family home and back in the days we all started very young with our own record players and tape decks and grew a pretty impressive vinyl and CD collection.

I had never been involved in radio before but have a good business head so when Lucy started TRUK in 2018 I was right there from the start supporting her and helping the station grow.  In 2019 I stood in for a presenter who was unable to do their show and my step into presenting was born, and I LOVE it! I have several of my own shows but still do a lot of work behind the scenes as well as being Station Manager, Social Media Manager & New Music Manager. We are not just a radio station, we are here to support the community and champion for change.

I am a massive ally and trans activist and you will find me at many protests using my voice and online fighting for trans rights. Together with Lucy we have founded Trans Radio UK, TRUK Listens (a helpline), TRUK United FC (a fully inclusive football team), and part of our social media team behind our activism account LGBwithTheT. I also run a support group for partners of trans people Distinction Support which we brought into the TRUK group in 2022.

Who knew I would love doing radio so much too! I do several shows but my ‘babies’ are the 70s show (I ADORE 70s music) and the In Conversation show where we chat about all the LGBTQIA+ news.

Email: [email protected]