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9:00 pm 10:00 pm

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Old Skool 80s, 90s, 00s

9:00 pm 10:00 pm

Brianna Ghey Vigils begin

Written by on February 15, 2023

Yesterday saw the start of some of the vigils held in memory of Brianna Ghey. There are vigils across the country over the next 2 weeks being organised but various organisations and individuals. We have shared as many of these as we can on Twitter, Mastodon and on our Facebook page and group.

Tonight there were vigils in London, Dublin, Belfast, Manchester, Guildford, Lowestoft, Swindon, Brighton & Hove and many more.

Outside department of education, people were saying there were thousands of people and from the pictures it certainly looked that way. Lots of people with flags and chanting, the Torys AND Labour are being rightly slagged off for welcoming in and endorsing far-right messaging about trans people that results in deaths. Written on the wall of te building were the words ‘Rest in Pride Briannia Ghey’ with lots of candles places underneath. Chants of “We are your family. We’ve got you. You are loved. You’re not alone”. At one point they all stood silent with everyone holding lit candles and torches above their heads.
“It was a very large gathering, blocking out the entire area and street around the DofE. There was real anger from people who are hurting and had enough of being let down and allowing an environment where Brianna’s murder and previous bullying could take place. It was spontaneous, it was grief. And it was anger and frustration. It was very powerful. But most of all we stood together in grief for a young life taken so wrongly. Enough is enough”. (Pictures courtesy of Holly Lancaster-Smith)


There was a huge turnout in Dublin, hundreds of people united.


Quote from Paul Bloomer on Twitter “Around a thousand people turned up for Brianna Ghey’s vigil tonight in Belfast. With members of the trans community giving moving speeches. There were people there from every background, to express love, solidarity and grief.” (pictures courtesy of Paul Bloomer)

Look at the pictures the whole of Sackville Gardens was rammed full and the start was delayed by 20 mins as so many people were trying to get in


People stood in a circle full around the flag. There was silence, then someone sang, silence again then a couple of people said some speeches.

180+ people who attended the Pride in Surrey vigils this evening in Guildford and at The Pride Hub in Woking. We stand together as one community.
Someone in Guildford left a message saying “Nothing can be said to make this any less unjust, only future actions remembering and working for change as a community. Let us be sad today to change tomorrow”

May be an image of 1 person

There were about 50 people who attended where there was a 10 mins silence followed by 25 mins of speeches.


May be an image of 9 people and outdoors
May be an image of indoor

Brighton and Hove
Probably over a thousand people were there. Overwhelmingly emotional and powerful. So many people from all backgrounds spoke of their devastation, anger, resilience and defiance.





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